Bjorn Berenger

Name: Bjorn Berenger

Nickname: Bjorn

Age: 35

Species: Human

Height: 6’0

From a young age, Bjorn was a troublemaker. He would frequently be on the wrong side of the law, and find himself in jail more than once. At age 18, he joined up with the local bandit group, The Untamed. He enjoyed robbing the common folk of their possessions, and he enjoyed the killing when it didn’t go as planned. The group had planned something big, a heist on the local city’s treasury. However, something happened that Braun didn’t expect. The bandits knocked him out and left him as the fall guy. After that, he had a change of heart. That, and he faced a permanent jail visit if he didn’t change his ways and become an upstanding citizen.

At first, he hated helping people with their problems, and the people he helped felt the same way. He was still seen as a bandit, and he would typically be the last resort for the people who asked him. However, over the years he had come to enjoy it, and the people soon changed their views of him. He was no longer a bandit in their eyes, he was a local folk hero, who had helped them in their time of need. Eventually, it came to a point where he was no longer needed in the town anymore. Their problems were solved. So with a somber goodbye, Bjorn packed his things and began to wander, helping all he could.

Bjorn stands tall, his shoulders broad and his back straight. He has long black hair, and a long beard. He wears a leather chest piece, with a pauldron of iron on his shoulder. He wears a cloak of a beast pelt, covering his shoulders. He tends to dress light, preferring to move rather than tank blows with heavy armor. His main weapon is a bow, with a pair of daggers as a backup, or if he runs out of arrows
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1 | May 19th 2024 21:48