Alex's story {No.2}

It was a long walk since that day Alex lost her grandmother and felt her feet like were gonna fall off and was regretting not taking her grandmother's car, but it had not ran in years and she didn't know how to drive yet, she knew it was better having the police think she was dead then to come looking for her. “Angels…..heaven is watching over you. Bullsh*t!” she kicked a rock down the road she walked beside. She was alone now and hoped by finding her brothers they would accept her for who she was and that she was their half sister. She was unaware where her father was and truly didn't want to see him but had hoped he was with her brothers too.
She wanted to punch him and maybe tell her father how she felt about him for never being there for her or her dying mother, she never even saw him at the funeral, but she only ever met the man once when she was little when he picked her up from school for ice cream. Different cars and trucks went by as she walked down the sidewalk with her duffle over her shoulder, she had nowhere else to go too so she hoped she could find something soon, she had a bit of money so maybe a motel room would be okay, she really didn't want to sleep outside but for some reason she knew she would end up living on the streets for the time being. Least till she could find her brothers she had thought of as she walked down the street and watched each passing car, almost hoping that someone would pick her up and she wouldn't have to walk. It had been a few hours and one town over and her feet were aching so she decided to stop in the nearest park and sat on a lone picnic table and watched around at the kids playing before she pulled out a journal from her bag and started to write inside it, she had hoped to use it as a way of expressing her thoughts and emotions but it also had well done sketches inside.
Alex had smiled when she flipped some pages of things she had drawn before all this happened that wrecked her life. It was a simple brown leather and snap strap book, she sometimes wrote in it at school and kept all her hunter secrets inside, along with some other secrets that she was told or that she heard, it was more or less her hunter journal that she kept close encase she needed it. The young woman had flipped through a few sketches of things she had seen or statues that she had passed, one was an angel and her smile faltered some as she looked over her drawing, she was so tempted on keeping it cause she had did it well but she tore it out of her book and laid it aside before she flipped through it and looked through some contacts that she had written down and looked at one address that said Singer salvage yard. She didn't know if anyone would be there that knew her family or her half brothers she was looking to find but it was worth a shot to try, so her new destination was Sioux falls, South Dakota.
It was an address her mother always went to so she kept the business card too. The card was clipped inside the journal, she closed her journal and latched it before she placed it back in her bag and grabbed the angel sketch, tossing it in a trash can on the way out of the park. She had some walking to do and thought about getting a bus ticket instead of a motel room, because she knew she could travel easier on a bus and could get some sleep at the same time. She had started for the bus station, she sighed and unknowingly to the girl there was someone that found her drawing and was following her from a distance, she couldn't smell the person coming since the wind was blowing in her face and through her long brown hair.
Alex moved the hair from her face and thought she heard someone behind her but whoever it seemed to have been was now gone. “Hello?” she called out and gripped her duffle a bit tight before she hurried down the sidewalk. She didn't know if there was anyone following her or watching her but she was being cautious and sticking to public areas on her way to the bus station. She kept her eyes hidden behind some sunglasses she grabbed on her way out of her house, well she guessed it was her old house now she thought and knew that her curse would get in the way if she ran into other hunters, they were always shooting first and asking questions later kind of fellas. Never wanting to know if she was really a human behind those eyes, that was the reason why she kept the sunglasses on to cover them, it was a major pain in the ass to hide them all the time but the glasses was all she had. Once she arrived at the bus depot she walked inside and took out some crumbled bills from her pants and straightened them out better before she went to purchase a ticket. “How far can I get with this….I’m looking to get to South Dakota?” she asked the ticketer.

“Maybe half way, girl. Are you meeting someone?” The man behind the counter asked and saw how young she looked and was purely asking out of curiosity and worried for her on the bus alone this late, the sun was almost setting outside and she would be on the bus at night which honestly now that Alex thought about it she didn't really care and handed the guy the money. “Listen….I don’t know you, so f*** off and give me a ticket please.” She told the man and was trying her best to be nice but she was still traumatized by what happened, she got her ticket from the guy without another word and moved out of line to go sit down, she chose a seat far away from anyone else that was waiting on their bus number.
Alex lifted her sunglasses up to wipe her eyes and they had been so sore from crying since she left home. “....What am I supposed to do?” she asked herself softly and sniffed some, she had no idea what to do at this point but to follow this address in the hopes she would find her half brothers since them and her father were the only family she had left, she didn't even own a phone to call anyone. Not that there was anyone to call, her grandmother kept a low profile in town by living far enough so no one bothered them but yet close enough to town, encase she needed to get somewhere fast if the ‘sh*t hit the fan’ as her grandmother put it.
She looked around and noticed some guy with a magazine staring at her now and again, she tried to pretend she didn't notice him but the smirk confirmed it, he walked over and sat down on one of the seats. “Hey…..I couldn't help but notice that you handled that creep at the window pretty well.” the man told her and smiled. This man was shorter than most and had almost golden eyes like herself, she pushed her sunglasses up more to adjust them and smiled back, trying to be kind and did not perceive this man as a threat.
“Yeah well….it's none of his business where I’m going.” Alex shrugged some and looked at the magazine he was reading, it was stupid urban legends and gators in the sewers type thing, it was weird and she guessed this guy might be too but he seemed pleasent enough to her.
“No it is not.” The man agreed and saw her looking at the magazine before he handed it to her and thought maybe she wanted to check it out. “Want to read it? Need something to pass the time till the next bus right?” he chuckled softly.
Alex shook her head and smiled some but politely denied the odd magazine. “No thanks….I don’t um….read much stuff like that.'' She saw the magazine as a gag but she guessed it was meant to be, after all alligators in the sewers were not a thing being a hunter she would know well enough on that, but this guy seemed to like these things and she didn't want to be mean when he was being so nice. But why was he being nice, she had asked herself this.
The man shrugged and put the magazine on his lap. “Fair enough….” he looked at her for a long moment then cleared his throat and seemed to have something on his mind, like he wanted to tell her something but kept his mouth shut, she stared at him curiously through her sunglasses but looked down at her ticket and shoved it in her pocket. “So um….where are you going?” the young girl asked curiously, for some reason she thought it was best this guy didn’t know where she was going, this man was smelling funny to her ever since he sat down across from her.

“Oh no where, I’m meeting someone here.” The man told her and leaned back in the seat with his magazine, he looked over it to her and smiled before looking back into it, he hummed thoughtfully and seemed to be thinking or making mental notes. “So you never told you're name?”

Alex raised a brow and suspiciously looked away for a moment before she had looked back at him. “Neither did you.” She responded back to him and crossed her arms and looked at him, she expected the name first since she thought he was invading her personal space and all that, she hadn't expected him to talk to her or sit down and after what she's been through she really didn't want company.

“Well….my friends call me Gabe.” Gabe smiled at her and kept thinking about what he should tell her if anything, he was the archangel Gabriel and could sense the angelic blade she had stashed in her bag hidden from view but not from him, he could sense its power and could even sense her own.

“....Red.” Alex introduced herself next and had a feeling Gabe wasn’t his name but then Red wasn’t hers either, her grandmother nicknamed her that ages ago and it didn't help she was wearing a red hoodie, it was her favorite item of clothing and a small hint to who she was named after.

“Ah….okay, gotcha. Red riding hood.” Gabe teased a bit bit he was being as friendly as possible so maybe Alex was getting paranoid because of the demon she killed, she could only guess there would be more out there looking for her, she doubted angels could help her either and once her bus number was called her pulled out her ticket and held onto her bag over her shoulder as she stood up. “I had better go….I hope you find who you're looking for.” she told him and headed towards the bus’s outside in the parking lot. Gabe looked up and watched her leave the bus station and smiled a bit but sadly. “...You too.” he mumbled when she left before he looked around the station then disappeared from view like he was never there.
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0 | Apr 22nd 2024 22:04