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22 / Female / Single
Just a doodoo head looking to set up fun and riveting stories with you lovely peeps <3

Seeking longterm || Roleplaying for 5+ years.

Romance, fantasy, action, sci fi, crime, thriller and drama are my favorite genres. I also adore casual, slice of life, modern settings. Slow paced romantic development is my absolute favorite. I am open to try out new genres as well.

I role-play in third person. I only play original characters, I don’t mind if you opt to play a canon character.

I love details so my response length can vary between two to four paragraphs, it depends on the context/events happening in the story. I'm not a stickler for length, I prefer quality over quantity.

Mature and dark themes are welcome. I am pretty flexible so feel free to reach out to me with any ideas/plots you have. I also adore OOC talk, communication and having fun is essential.

If you need a writing sample, feel free to ask for one.

I am into original plots. I have a few plots tucked away, let me know if you would be interested in having a look. We could reel out inspiration from fandoms and incorporate it into our roleplay.

Thank you for taking the time to read through, let me know if I seem like a good fit for you :)

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