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23 Friends



(Erase me)
24 / Male / In Love
by the alley, in a ditch - United States
It’s been a while since I’ve been on this website, or role playing in general.

That’s not to say I don’t enjoy it, or that I’m particularly bad at it, but I would appreciate any tips!

I’m interested in storytelling and drama. I love a good heart wrenching moment or even a little fluff, romance is fun but sm*t isn’t my favorite. I’m looking for long term roleplay partners!

Please know I will probably talk to you before jumping straight into a roleplay, but I have a tendency to not take the reigns so if you have any story in mind please let me know! I've been known to be a bit of a rambler so please don't hesitate to tell me to get to the point.

Gender is dumb and I stand by that.

Start roleplaying with members like Vex!



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I long to leave this occupation behind,
For madness creeps within my troubled mind.
The pottery whispers secrets, dark and sly,
Of tax evasion and insurance fraud.
Their voices echo, pulling me toward sin,
I fear their call, I cannot resist.
3  May 17th 2024 13:58

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